LHBA Awards of Creative Excellence


Recognition with Sifton Properties Ltd.

Finalist - Design Credit

Best New Single Family Home $400,000-$550,000

Recognition with CachetReid Heritage Homes

- Finalist - Design Credit

Best Overall New Home Design - 2 Storey

$401,000-$550,000 (Scarlet Model in CedarHollow subdivision)










Recognition with CachetReid Heritage Homes

- Lead Design -

Best Overall New Home Design - 2 Storey $301,000-$400,000 (Cypress Model in Copperfield subdivision)

- Assisted Design -

Best Overall New Home Design - 2 Storey $401,000-$550,000 (Carlisle model in Talbot Village subdivison)


LHBA Finalist - 2016

The Scarlet Model of CedarHollow
CachetReid - Cypress Model, Copperfield - London, Ontario

 The Cypress Model of Copperfield

Cachetreid - Carlisle Model, Talbot Village - London, Ontario

The Carlisle Model of Talbot Village 

London, Ontario